Frequently Asked Questions

  • We provide one-on-one counseling sessions tailored to athletes of all levels. Our services include mental conditioning, performance psychology, and support for athletes navigating their athletic journeys.

    We also offer workshops and programs designed for schools and organizations.

  • Our team consists of Certified Mental Performance Consultants (CMPC) and mentors who are in the process of obtaining their certification.

    Each member brings a unique perspective and expertise to support athletes in achieving their personal and professional goals.

    Learn more about our providers here.

  • We welcome athletes from all backgrounds and levels who are looking for mental performance support. Our services are designed to help anyone committed to enhancing their performance, whether they're in high school, college, or beyond.

  • Yes, we offer online counseling sessions to accommodate athletes who prefer or require remote support. These sessions provide the same level of care and expertise as in-person appointments.

  • To begin, please fill out our Session Interest Form on the website. After submission, a member of our team will contact you to discuss your needs and set up an initial consultation.

  • At Waite Performance Strategies LLC, we do not accept insurance because our services do not involve diagnosis or treatment of mental health disorders. Our focus is on performance enhancement and support for athletes through counseling and mental conditioning.

  • Each practitioner has different pricing and fees for their services. For a detailed outline of our pricing, please reach out to us directly. We are happy to provide the information you need.

  • The first session is akin to an intake appointment where we gather information about you, your experiences, and your specific needs. This allows us to tailor our approach to best support you moving forward

  • Yes, your privacy is our priority. All personal information shared during our sessions is kept confidential and used solely to provide our services.

  • Yes, we offer workshops and programs tailored for schools and organizations, focusing on enhancing team dynamics, mental skills, and overall performance. Please contact us for more details on how we can support your group.

  • You can reach us through our website’s contact page, by calling our office at 713-364-3845, or by emailing us at We will respond to your inquiries as promptly as possible.

  • If you have further questions, please reach out via our General Inquiry Form or call our office at 713-364-3845. We are here to assist you and provide any additional information you may need.